ក្រុមការងារយើងខ្ញុំនិងខិតខំសិក្សារស្រាវជ្រាវចំនេះដឹងបន្ថែមទៀតសំរាប់លោកអ្នក សូមអរគុណសំរាប់ការគាំទ្រ !

1.TCP/IP Model

TCP/IP Model
A majority of the internet uses a protocol suite referred to as the internet Protocol Suite additionally called the TCP/IP protocol suite. This suite may be a combination of protocols that encompasses a number of various protocols for various purpose and want. as a result of the 2 major protocols during this suites are tcp
(Transmission control Protocol) and ip (Internet Protocol), this can be normally termed as TCP/IP Protocol suite. This protocol suite has its own reference model that it follows over the net. In distinction with the OSI model, this model of protocols contains less layers. 

This model is indifferent to the particular hardware implementation, i.e. the physical layer of OSI Model. are often} why this model can be enforced on most underlying technologies. Transport and internet layers correspond to an equivalent peer layers. All 3 high layers of OSI Model are compressed along in single Application layer of TCP/IP Model.
Internet Protocol Version four (IPv4)
Internet Protocol is one in every of the main protocols within the TCP/IP protocols suite. This protocol works at the network layer of the OSI model and at the internet layer of the TCP/IP model. therefore this protocol has the responsibility of distinctive hosts based mostly upon their logical addresses and to route information among them over the underlying network.

IP provides a mechanism to unambiguously uniquely hosts by an ip addressing theme. IP uses best effort delivery, i.e. it doesn’t guarantee that packets would be delivered to the destined host, however it’ll do its best to achieve the destination. internet Protocol version four uses 32-bit logical address.

TCP / IP គឺជា Protocol មួយប្រភេទដែលមានទាំង IP V4 និង IP V6 វាជា Connection Oriented មានន័យថា Data វា Variable វាមិនបាត់បង់បើសិនជាពេលដែល Send Data ចេញទៅមានបញ្ហាដាច់ Connection វានិង reconnect Transfer Data ម្តងទៀតនៅពេលដែលមាន Connection . EX : Email , Gmail .

UDP គឺជា Protocol មួយប្រភេទដែលមានទាំង IP V4 និង IP V6 វាមិនមែនជា Connection Oriented ទេ មានន័យថា Data វា និងបាត់បង់បើសិនជាពេលដែល Send Data ចេញទៅមានបញ្ហាដាច់ Connection . EX : Voice Phone called .
