Default Static Route Overview
A default static route of a pc that’s taking part in pc networking is that the packet forwarding rule (route) taking
impact once no different route may be determined for a given internet Protocol (IP) destination address. All
packets for destinations not established within the routing table are sent via the default route. This route usually
points to a different router, that treats the packet the same way: If a route matches, the packet is forwarded
consequently, otherwise the packet is forwarded to the default route of that router. the method repeats till a packet
is delivered to the destination. every router traversal counts in concert hop within the distance calculation for the
transmission path.
The route analysis method in every router uses the longest prefix match technique to get the foremost specific
route. The network with the longest subnet mask that matches the destination ip address is that the next-hop
network gateway.
The default route in internet Protocol Version four (IPv4) is selected designated zero-address in CIDR
notation, usually known as the quad-zero route. The subnet mask is given as /0, that effectively specifies all
networks, and is that the shortest match potential. A route search that doesn’t match the other route, falls back to
the present route. Similarly, in IPv6, the default static route is specified by ::/0.
In the highest-level section of a network, directors usually purpose the default route for a given host towards the
router that features a affiliation to a network service provider. Therefore, packets with destinations outside the
organization’s native space network, generally destinations on the web or WAN, are forwarded to the router with
the affiliation thereto supplier.
The device to that the default static route points is usually known as the default gateway, and it usually carries out
different functions area packet filtering, firewall, or proxy server operations.
Default Static Route Configuration
Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#hostname R1
R1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/0
R1(config-if)#ip address
R1(config-if)#no shutdown
R1(config)#interface fastEthernet 0/1
R1(config-if)#ip address
R1(config-if)#no shutdown
R1(config)#ip route
Verified Connection
Ping from PC1 and PC2 to of ISP IP. It should be successful.